Whoever said college students don’t like to read books, think again! In this digital age, there are so many reasons why students would want to read more books. There is still nothing like sitting down, drinking a cup of coffee and opening up a fantastic new novel. In fact, there are many fundamental books that every college student should read, so many novels able us to obtain ideas, thoughts, lessons, that in one way or another, help us sculpt our individual personalities. Take a look at the 7 essential books every college student must read.

Top 7 Books Every College Student Should Read
This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald
A definite must-read for every single college student before they graduate is This Side of Paradise. The classic novel is amusing yet romantic, it tells the story of a Princeton student who becomes totally disillusioned with life after graduation. He soon finds out that life is quite different behind the walls of his college, and now he has to look after himself again. Sounds very much like many college students today, doesn’t it?
Lord Of The Flies by William Golding
The classic novel Lord of the Flies was first published in 1954. It tells the story of a broken society illustrated with a group of young boys stranded on an island with no adult supervision and forced to fend for themselves. This a brilliant read and teaches to always stay humble as well as being a responsible leader.
The Grapes Of Wrath by John Steinbeck
The Grapes of Wrath is an unbelievably moving tale of love, friendship, courage, and versatility. Its narrative is about a family that moves to California in an effort to find a better life during the great depression.
The Idiot by Elif Batuman
The Idiot tells the great story of a college student, attending a fictional Harvard in 1995. It is an astonishing, insightful book about falling in love and finding oneself and also seeing one’s flaw through the infatuation with another. For many college students, romantic experiences are frequent, this can help direct you, narrating an enlightening but loving voice.
The Art of Happiness by The Dalai Lama
One of The Dalai Lama’s many publicized books, The Art of Happiness is the perfect guidebook for enriching a happier and more joyful state of mind. It is an excellent book for the college student who needs a different outlook in life as well as tips for dealing with the stress and anxiety that comes with college experiences.
This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald
A definite must-read for every single college student before they graduate is This Side of Paradise. The classic novel is amusing yet romantic, it tells the story of a Princeton student who becomes totally disillusioned with life after graduation. He soon finds out that life is quite different behind the walls of his college, and now he has to look after himself again. Sounds very much like many college students today, doesn’t it?
Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom
Another brilliant book among the must-read novels for students is Tuesday With Morie. This book is based around the discussions between a young man and his dying professor, In his last few months, he sits down with one of his favorite ex-students, Mitch Albom and talks about everything that he has learned about living life. It shows the genuine meanings of life and all that really matters.