Didn’t we all think that whenever we finished our studies our life was decided already? You finish your degree and immediately you either do a masters or you start working of course in something very closely related to your field. The truth and real life are not so idealistic, many times people don’t find jobs related to their field or decide that they don’t want to pursue further studies. Sometimes you may even see yourself doing something different from what you thought you would be doing and you end up loving it and finding your passion. No one has the right answer as to what do to after you finish your BA. There is no right or wrong, there is one whatever one desires to do or become. Indeed, we do not have guidelines that tell us what steps to take next but keep reading and you might find some useful tips to help you cope and deal with this uncertainty

What To Do Post-Degree
Graduate Job
Most of the recent graduates, look for a job, and usually getting in touch with the university careers service is the first step. Many graduates expect to work as first-timers in the most successful companies and get disappointed when that does not happen. You should consider a smaller company, a place in which you can learn to be mentored and take on everything you can while at the same time gaining experience and getting used to the new chapter
Take Your Studies To Another Level
Studying for masters usually and time-consuming. It gives you the chance to return to university and study as a postgraduate. If through your studies there was something that fascinated you and woke your curiosity to know more or to dedicate your life to that, then a master is for you. For example, a psychology student loved the course of organizational psychology and decided he wanted to do a master’s on organizational psychology to be able to in the future be very involved in the working conditions of the employees and their interaction with employers. When you decide to study, you have the amazing opportunity of doing it abroad. If for example, European culture is something that always attracted you but you didn’t have an occasion to go then what better than to go as a student to meet people that are exactly in the same situation as you?
Take Time For Yourself
If none of the above options are suitable for you then why not taking a gap year? Many believe that a gap year is a waste of time or it is for those who are lazy and don’t want to do anything. They are WRONG!. Taking a gap year can enrich you so much as a person and it can make you learn things about yourself that you didn’t know before. It gives you the option to travel, explore other cultures, learn other languages, meet new people, discover new skills…