These days, you can apply and receive a degree in almost anything! Once upon a time, most of the people who went to university went to become a doctor, a dentist; something with a direct vocational output. This isn’t completely exclusive, as academics went to university to read degrees in normal subjects too; just it was so expensive that this was considered more of a luxury. Nowadays, it is easier to go to university in terms of financing, with all the loans and grants available. In this sense, it is more normal than not for a student to go to college! The new-age question however is, how will you use your degree? You got a degree in English Literature? Wow! What do you want to be? This kind of question is often met with hesitation, because its not like you are going to necessarily be an author, nor would you need a degree to be so. It is definitely worthwhile to get your degree though, in any subject! This article will shed some light into just how your non-vocational degree can be useful.

Application of Your General Degree
Did you know that having a degree is always seen as an impressive feat? Employers are more than aware of the time and effort needed to put in to earn a degree, and will always be impressed with a good grade. Even if the degree is something completely different from the job you are applying for, having the degree in the first place proves academic discipline. Depending on the country or course, a bachelors degree is usually 3 or 4 years, and requires lots of studying, essays among numerous projects, outside reading to earn the grades. This can be shown as a reflection of how you will work in your prospective new working role. This isn’t to say that you absolutely need a degree to work anywhere, because other things like personality and experience come into play, but if you have this paired with a degree, you will surely be in a better position.
Transferrable Skills
Another key factor to consider from achieving a degree, is the transferrable skills you will acquire! Have you ever considered this? For example, say you achieved a degree in a primarily essay-based subject, like History. There is no doubt that you wrote countless essays, and along with this, received much criticism and feedback throughout your period at college. This criticism however, will only have improved your writing style and ability. To get the top grades in your credits, you had to adapt to this feedback, otherwise your grade wouldn’t improve. Naturally this makes you suitable for any job role where you are required to write. Say you want to be a content provider, or a marketer, this will certainly come in handy. Say you achieved a degree in Psychology, Sociology or Criminology; these are great social sciences. Again you will have surely developed your writing style, but they are also amazing in improving your understanding in various topics, decision making and paying attention to detail. This can also be seen with Philosophy; analyzing details and social understanding can always be applied to everyday life.
Willingness To Learn
Achieving a degree, especially in an unfamiliar subject (for example, one you hadn’t studied at high school) is quite frankly amazing. This is because it shows that you have the willingness to learn a new discipline, something that will almost certainly be the case for when you start a new job. Each workplace has different methods, systems and more. Your willingness to adapt will only do wonders for you. Furthermore, the fact you were able to adapt to a university setting will show an employer that you will be able to adapt to a new work-setting just the same.
Study Conversions
If you remain unconvinced, or actually just want to continue studying or training for a specific vocation, you can often use your degree in relation to this. For example, if you have a desire to be a teacher you can use your first degree to to a shortened version of a teaching training course. That way you can still study your desired subject, but obtain a specific vocation afterwards. Additionally, if you wanted to be a lawyer, it is perfect too. Prospective lawyers who studied something other than law first are often favored over those who went straight into law, as they expanded their academic horizons and interests first. Also these subjects are very applicable to certain areas of law.
So don’t worry if your degree isn’t directly applicable. Many job roles will happily take on someone who has a general degree, and train them nonetheless. Go get your degree! Watch it do wonders for you, irrespective of what it is.