For some, going away to college and leaving what has been their normal life for the past 18 years is a piece of cake. For others, it’s one of the most difficult things they’ve ever done in life so far. No matter if it’s simple or challenging, odds are that at some point throughout your four years of school, you will feel homesick at some point. It’s totally normal and it’s something that everyone copes with in different ways. Below you’ll find some of the tips that we think can best help you manage homesickness when it pops up.

How To Combat Homesickness During College
Find Time To Talk To Your Parents
This was one of the most important lessons I learned at the beginning of college. I went from seeing my parents at home every day to not seeing them at all, and it was a big transition. One thing that so many people find helpful in fighting homesickness is finding time regularly to talk to your family. Whether “regular” for you means every day, every week, or every month, making sure to maintain a strong and healthy relationship with your loved ones and using them to lean on when you’re missing home a little extra will make all the difference in the world for you. Especially today with the technology we have, finding time for a quick video call to say hi to your parents and family pet could turn your day around immediately.
Find A Good Group Of Friends
This falls in line simultaneously with one of the most important and sometimes one of the most difficult things to do during college. It is not uncommon to know few to zero people you see around campus on a daily basis, especially if you chose to go to a university far from home. Whether you’re hanging out with your roommate and making friends together, making study groups for class, or joining clubs around campus, finding a core social group is something that can make or break your college experience. Having a group of friends that will go through your college life with you is so important, and finding good friends who will comfort you when you’re missing home is even more important.
Go Home When You Can
If you are studying somewhere within driving distance to your hometown, this may be a bit easier for you to do, but nonetheless it is such an amazing feeling to go home for a few days here and there during college. Other than the mandatory times you have to go home during holiday breaks, it’s also nice to just spend a weekend at home once-in-a-while. You’ll be amazed by what a home-cooked meal, your comfortable bed, and a hug from your parents can do for you when you’re feeling homesick. Going home a few times each semester will do so much in helping you to not be homesick. There’s really nothing like home sometimes.