There are you know sitting in this huge lecture hall. In the new city, for the first time in your new university. Today is your first day, the introductory week begins, and you look at the mass of people who are sitting here with you. You do not anyone and wonder how for God’s sake you are supposed to find someone you like here…and who likes you. But let me tell you, you can make new friends very quickly at university. So don’t worry that you will be sitting alone in the seminars. We have put together some tips with which you are guaranteed to find friends forever.

How To Make Friends In College
Don’t Go Home Every Weekend
Yes, the very first tip is actually related to your weekends. Many first-timers are homesick at the beginning and therefore often go home to see family and friends again. That’s not so bad either, but it shouldn’t be the case every weekend, otherwise, you will miss everything that happens in your new home from Friday afternoon. And when the fellow students all laugh together on Monday over the fun weekend and already arrange to meet for the next meeting, you stand apart and notice how you missed the connection.
Go To Events
Especially in the first weeks of university, there are usually a lot of events taking place, aiming for students to get to know each other. Find out what events are coming up and go there. The need for information is particularly high among first-time students and the question marks in their heads are buzzing around. You can start conversations very quickly by asking questions or helping someone else who doesn’t yet know where seminar room 1B is.
Smile And Be Open
The top rule when you want to meet new people: Smile and be open to others. Only those who have positive charisma and don’t walk around like Grumpy Cat will also attract people. Always say hello to the people you’ve already met, even if they don’t become best friends straight away. Keep your eyes open and use facial expressions and gestures to communicate that you are a friendly and open-minded person.
Take Part In University Sports
If you want to really work off after university, then university sport is perfect for you. Meanwhile, the universities offer a variety of sports, whether team sports or trendy courses, there is something for every taste. The perfect place to meet like-minded people who also like to relax from the stress of the university with Zumba. If you have found someone you like, you can arrange to meet up for sports for the next week and the joy will be greater because you don’t have to run to the sports hall by yourself.
Do Not Give Up
Even if you haven’t found your absolute soul mate or people who are 100% a match for you in the first few days, don’t give up! There are so many people walking around the university that you sometimes have to wait a little for the right friendship. But it’s definitely worth it! At the latest at the seminars, where you no longer sit in the lecture hall with 300 others, you will get to know people who have interests similar to yours.